martes, 29 de marzo de 2022


Escrita por K. J. Parker y publicada por Tordotcom, la novela "Inside Man" tiene 130 páginas y puede ser adquirida por un precio de 15,75 euros. Esta es su sinopsis: 

An anonymous representative of the Devil, once a high-ranking Duke of Hell and now a committed underachiever, has spent the last forever of an eternity leading a perfectly tedious existence distracting monks from their liturgical devotions. It’s interminable, but he prefers it that way, now that he’s been officially designated by Downstairs as “fragile.” No, he won’t elaborate.

All that changes when he finds himself ensnared, along with a sadistic exorcist, in a labyrinthine plot to subvert the very nature of Good and Evil. In such a circumstance, sympathy for the Devil is practically inevitable...

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